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Identifying your goals before you start investing

Before you start out on your investment journey, it's important for you to think about how to set investment goals. Identifying your investment goals and articulating them will give you clarity around what investment success means to YOU.

There are three key factors to consider when investing: your age, income, and lifestyle. Identifying where you want to be at each stage in life will define your appetite for risk and the amount you invest. You cannot invest what you don’t have, which makes your income an important factor that influences your investable assets.

The return from your investments could mean different things—it could be the money you use to pay for your children's education or your retirement. Understanding how to identify financial investment opportunities that align with your financial needs is crucial. Knowing what to know before investing—such as risk levels, market conditions, and financial planning strategies—ensures you make informed decisions that support your ideal future.


Once you work out what you aim to achieve by investing, you can move on to your next big decision: Do you need a professional financial adviser in Dubai to help you with investing, or do you have the time and technical expertise to test DIY (do-it-yourself) investing?

What kind of guidance do you think investors need most?

When considering overseas investments, what kind of guidance do you think investors need most? From our experience, it's rarely about complex financial products or advanced trading strategies. Instead, investors primarily need guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls that could impact their investment performance. Unfortunately, the financial industry internationally has been designed to sell complexity, keeping you stuck and distracted from what truly matters. This leads to uncertainty, missed opportunities, poor decisions, anxiety and the dream crushing weight of ‘financial life drift’. But you don’t have to learn the hard way. You can either struggle up the mountain alone, or take a trusted guide who’s already mapped and trodden the best path innumerable times. No fads, no hype. Just time-tested, evidence-based wisdom to help you seize the opportunities of wealth while avoiding its pitfalls.

Why DIY investing can cost you

If you wish to manage your own investments, there are plenty of resources that could help you. However, DIY investing is not as simple as it might sound.

Independent financial expert DALBAR’s annual analysis of investor behaviour shows that the average DIY investor underperforms the S&P 500 by 4.2% per year for the last 20 years.

There are 5 reasons why DIY investors’ returns fall short:

1. Emotions like ‘fear’ and ‘greed’ drive DIY investor behaviour.

When markets dive, it's natural to want to get out quickly. When they’re rising fast, it’s normal to want to ride that wave. But that means buying high and selling low—the exact opposite of a good investment strategy—and it’s exactly what most DIY investors do.

One study that looked at how different investing styles would have fared over any 20-year period found that the best strategy was to invest your cash as soon as it's available and then hold what you purchased for the long term.

That’s precisely what DIY investors fail to do time and time again.

Any fiducairy financial planner who can protect you from your own emotions will more than cover their annual investment management fees via the higher returns you’ll get from staying invested.

2. It’s hard to remain constantly motivated.

The inability to be relentlessly, tirelessly committed to a plan can affect your finances.

When investing, choose to work with a firm who won’t consume your money with hidden commissions in investing, who won’t make decisions in their own best interests to the detriment of yours, and who won’t charge excessive fees.

3. How much do you know about costs and taxes?

Are you an international tax expert?

Have you any idea how much expense ratios and trading commissions are costing you?

Do you know the difference between accumulation and distribution share classes?

Do you know how to invest strategically to cut costs and taxes?

A decent fee-based financial planner can help you with your investing and much more.

And what they save you in taxes and excessive fees will more than cover their annual fee.

4. Balance and diversification

Everyone knows diversification is critical when investing…but did you know that your age and risk tolerance should also influence how you diversify?

How too little risk affects investing is often underestimated—being overly cautious can mean missing out on long-term growth. If your portfolio is too conservative, you may not be taking enough risk to achieve your goals.

How often do you rebalance your investment portfolio?

Have you factored in the holdings of other people in your household too, and how these affect your overall investment mix as a globally-minded family?

You need to look at the combined investments in all accounts – and know that if your allocation is off, you'll either be taking more risk than you're comfortable with or earning less than you could be.

Paying for professional investment management is worthwhile – because it means pacing the market instead of underperforming it.

5. Time is not on your side

Have you got a job – or plenty to keep you busy if you’re retired?

Perhaps you have family as well, who demand your time and with whom you like to spend time?

For our team of Wealth Advice professionals, investing and financial planning is their profession, their passion, and their full-time job…

Which is why their clients don’t waste money on the cost of DIY investing, avoid unnecessary taxes, remain balanced, are diversified, and stay in the market for the long term.

If you don’t want to underperform, don’t get into DIY investing.

If you want better results and peace of mind while investing, make sure you deal with a fiduciary, Chartered Financial Planning company.

Risk management in global investments

When investing internationally, understanding risk isn't just about avoiding losses (after all we know that humans feel losses twice as much as they feel gains) - it's also about understanding how too little risk can affect your investing experience. Being too cautious and risk averse might mean missing significant opportunities to make your money work harder for you. If you're looking at specific regions, the key factors to consider when investing in a country include its political stability, economic indicators, regulatory environment, and currency strength. Ensure to diversify heavily, across thousands of the worlds best companies and a mix of all countries, big and small. Among the critical considerations when investing internationally are market liquidity, transaction costs, and local tax implications. A balanced approach to risk management means carefully weighing these factors while maintaining enough exposure to benefit from global growth opportunities. The goal isn't to eliminate all risk, but to understand and manage it effectively.

Investing resources

When it comes to successful investing and financial life management for affluent families, working with a sage guide can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls. Of course, there's no harm in increasing your own investing knowlege and plenty of fiduciary firms also provide educational investing resources to help you get better results, or make informed decisions.

Here are some of our resources that can help you:

  1. Effective asset allocation  
  2. Diversification
  3. Rebalancing your investment portfolio
  4. Cost-benefit analysis 
  5. Investment risk

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These resources are designed to help you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

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Need professional investment advice?

It's common to end up with a collection of investment accounts, but professional investment advice can streamline your financial life by consolidating accounts from different firms under one roof. This makes it easier to execute a cohesive financial plan or Life Strategy, that helps you get and keep the life you want.

But what are the signs that you truly need expert investment guidance?

Here are a few to watch out for:

- When you start second-guessing your financial plan and are not confident about making an investment decision on your own.
- Your returns are starting to dwindle, and you're not sure you have the right investment portfolio in place that best suits your financial needs.
- You're dealing with complex issues and are unsure of the best way forward. Examples include inheritance tax planning, retirement-income planning, estate sales, or investment management.
- You have less time to do the things you love.
- There's a major life event coming up (marriage, children going off to university soon, retirement, promotion, moving to a new country).
- Your investment portfolio needs rebalancing, and you don't have the right knowledge to do so.
- Market fluctuations and global events are causing you stress because you're uncertain or confused about what’s best for your investments.
- A significant change in your investable assets and income.
- You're frustrated with your investments' repeated low performance.

If you can relate to two or more of the points mentioned above, it's time to ask yourself: why hire a financial adviser? Trusted investment advisers (fidciaries) will ensure your financial plan is tailored to your needs, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on what matters most to you.

How to find the right help while investing

Finding the best investment experts is extremely important to ensure you get advice that best suits your individual needs and the needs of your family, rather than an adviser's. 

Watch this video of Michael Kitces, a well-known authority on the subject, talk about how to choose a financial adviser, the role of a financial adviser, and how it's changed over the years.

Read more

1. Investment timing strategies explained 


Cost control in investing

You can't control the markets, but you can control how much you’re willing to pay while investing.

As an investor, every dollar you pay for management fees or trading commissions is a dollar less of potential return. All investors should opt for low-cost investment management. And costs for overseas and international investors like you are often many times higher than 'back home'. Worse, these are often hidden investment fees - so you don’t find out about their impact until it's too late. 

A fiduciary financial life manager will help you understand ALL the costs you'll pay (and any potential hidden commissions in investments you might be currently paying). Watch this short video to learn more.

How to reduce investment costs

Many investors don't realise what they're paying and what they should be getting in exchange for their fee.  This area is complicated and the best way to navigate it is with clear benchmarks that look at each of the fees and the aggregated costs you pay, along with what you receive in return for each.

Many people confuse investment advice with comprehensive financial life management.

And in our experience, very few people (including professionals) properly understand the “priceberg” that looks at the implicit and explicit costs associated with pure money management.
The tip of the “priceburg” might not sound like much. But ignore what lies beneath the surface and you may reach retirement age only to discover you’ve lost half your possible returns. So, if you're wondering how to reduce investment costs, dig deeper and ask for all costs detailed up front. Full transparency. A fiduciary professional will have no problem with this. 

How to avoid investment scams

Learning how to avoid investment scams is crucial in today's digital age, where fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Common investment fraud examples include fake offshore investment platforms, Ponzi schemes, and fraudulent cryptocurrency offerings. Among the most common investing mistakes is failing to conduct proper due diligence before committing. When it comes to successful investing and wealth building, there's no short cut or quick win. Just time, patience and discipline. There are countless "can't-lose" investments throughout history. Meanwhile, investors who spread their money across many different types of companies, industries, and countries built lasting wealth, without the devastating losses that come from betting everything on a single investment.

Every now and again you may see a post about someone making £100,000 from a single crypto trade, or that 25-year-old who 'retired' after their tech startup exit, and it makes you wonder if you're doing something wrong. But these stories are a bit like watching the highlights of a football match - you're only seeing the goals, not the countless missed shots.

For every crypto millionaire, there are loads of people who've lost their life savings. For every young tech millionaire, there are countless failed startups we never hear about. The trouble is…social media amplifies these rare success stories until they seem normal.

Remember: If someone's promising you guaranteed returns that seem too good to be true... 9 times out of 10, they probably are.

This UAE-based lawyer lost 11% of his £600,000 investment to hidden commissions – here’s how

Case study

Ever heard of an investing black hole Essentially, your money is sucked in, and never seen again. Hawking, Einstein and Newton dedicated their lives to studying and understanding black holes.

This natural phenomenon has such a strong gravitational pull that it sucks up everything in its path. But these don’t just exist in science. They’re in financial services too. Our client, Andrew, is all too familiar with them.

He moved to Dubai from London in 2016. His company set him, his wife and children up handsomely with relocation, housing, schooling and healthcare costs all paid for. With more disposable income, he hoped to invest more and possibly retire early to spend time with his family.

Unfortunately, as a busy, high-earner in Dubai, he became an easy target for unsolicited sales calls. A charismatic financial salesperson contacted him, offering to meet at a nearby coffee shop to chat about his investment options.

Andrew was won over. He withdrew his £600,000 pension and invested all of it into the offshore bond recommended by the trusted salesperson. However, his investment hadn’t grown in two years – despite a raging bull market.

Those inflation-beating returns he was promised were nowhere in sight. With his retirement and family’s financial future on the line, he desperately sought a second opinion.

After scrutinising his investment, the results were shocking. Andrew is a clever man. A professional. But he unknowingly agreed to a 10-year lock-in period, paid his ‘adviser’ an initial 7% product commission and 4% on the underlying investments… An eye-watering 11% (£66,000) disappeared into the abyss on the day he transferred his money. But this was only the tip of the "priceberg" for him.

He was charged:

  • Establishment fee 1.83% pa for five years
  • OCF of funds 2.32% (AMC 1.75%)
  • Portfolio management/advice fee 1% pa
  • Admin charge £428 per annum (0.07% on £600,000)
  • Transaction charge £25 x 10
  • Total = circa 5.2%+ pa

It gets worse. If Andrew withdrew his funds within the initial charging period of 10 years, exit penalties would apply. It was clear, the damage was done. The 5 stages of grief followed.

And eventually acceptance

But, truth be told, the damage wasn’t irreparable. The Middle East is littered with similar stories caused by a financial services industry that’s systemically broken. While he couldn’t make up contractual losses, he could move on. The journey would be difficult. It would begin with a simple chat about him and his life, not about money

Read similar real-life stories here.

Investing black holes

Cases like Andrew’s often start with an unsolicited phone call from a ‘financial expert’.

They lure you in with lofty promises of free advice or high growth, and dangle current uncertain events at you.

But like doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.; professional financial planners (fiduciaries) never cold call.

They’ll wait to hear from you first, because everything should begin and end with you.

They’ll listen intently to your goals and recommend a strategy you’re comfortable with. They'll provide clarity on why it works for you and give you the confidence to believe in it, and leave it alone.

This is the secret formula to a successful investment experience.

Best investment management strategies: expert investment advice

Confusion abounds this question because the 'industry' says one thing, but the evidence says another.

Traditionally speaking, there are two choices when it comes to long-term investment strategies: active vs passive investing. 

Below we explain them both in our active vs passive investing comparison.

What is active investing?

Active investment management means your money is being looked after by a fund manager, who will:

1. attempt to identify mispricing in securities;
2. rely on forecasting to select undervalued securities or,
3. attempt to time the market; and
4. generate high expenses, trading costs and risks.

Active managers buy when they think they can outperform the market, and sell when they think their holdings are overvalued. Stock-picking and market-timing strategies would universally be described as active investment management.

As an investor choosing an actively managed approach, you pay for everything – from the fund manager’s wages to their high dealing costs. 

You pay out of the profit they make for you – unless of course they don’t make you any profit. 

In which case you still pay, but the money is taken out of your invested capital. 

According to the evidence, active investing has very low odds of success. 

Over the long-term, 97.8% of actively managed global equity funds have failed to beat their index, after fees and charges.

Of course, many will say there are pros and cons of active investing. One potential pro being the potential to capture mispricing opportunities and beat the market. But the data doesn't support this. 

If you choose the industry’s favourite way to manage your investments, you're almost certain to lose money.

Active investing is therefore guessing, predicting and speculating. 

As Benjamin Graham, the economist, investor and teacher of Warren Buffet said:

“The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator.” 

What is passive investing?

The opposite of active, is passive.  Passive investment strategies have many names, like tracking or indexing, but our favourite name for it is evidence-based investing, because that's exactly what it is. 

It’s investing based on evidence – not guesswork or speculation or baseless predictions.

Active vs Passive investing

Passive investing is a style of investing associated with exchange-traded funds (ETFs), trackers and index funds, where a fund's portfolio mirrors a market index, like the FTSE 100 or S&P 500, for example.

Passive investors:

1. hold a basket of securities representing an index;
2. track and attempt to match an index;
3. remove the risk of trying to pick stocks, guess the market and outperform it; and
4. spread risk, diversify, cut costs and improve returns.

With passive investment strategies, there's a firm belief in the power of the markets (the great companies of the world) and one of the benefits of passive investing is a time-tested, evidence-based approach that allows investors to benefit from human ingenuity and innovation. 

The science behind passive investing: professional investing advice for success

In financial economics there is a theory called the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). It maintains that market prices reflect all available information and expectations.  So a stock’s current price is the best approximation of a company’s intrinsic value.  

Any attempts to identify and exploit stocks that are mispriced will most likely fail, because stock price movements are random, and largely driven by unforeseen and unforeseeable events.

Of course mispricing can occur, but there’s no predictable pattern for this. 

So this hypothesis suggests that no active fund manager will ever be able to consistently beat the market over long periods of time – unless by complete chance, of course. 

Therefore, stock picking, market timing and active investing cannot ever be reliably depended upon to add enough value to outperform a passive investment strategy. That’s the science behind what is actually, just common sense.

Passive investing means:

  1. not having to waste time stock picking and market timing;
  2. ignoring the short-term randomness of the markets (we call this noise);
  3. having a structured, diversified portfolio, balanced to manage risk; and
  4. positioning a portfolio for long-term growth in the capital markets.

So, which is the best approach for investing?

The approach you choose has to be right for you. 

Passive investing isn’t perfect for everyone. 

But the general consensus of professional opinion is that passive investing is the best approach for long-term investing.

The legendary active investor Warren Buffet also advises his wife and ordinary investors to put their money into passive investments. 

The reason is that passive investing will provide average returns in an efficient way, at a low cost, whereas active funds in the longer term will, in all probability, provide the same average returns but at a higher cost. 

The effect of compounding costs and charges on investment returns is substantial. Over a 10 year investment period, charges paid to an active fund manager are far greater than the costs of running a passive investment that just tracks the market. 

Read more

1. Essential checklist for smart investing 
2. 10 key principles of our investment philosophy 

The future of investing: how investment advice can help you leverage Dimensional funds

Science has changed every aspect of our lives including how we communicate, travel, shop and even invest. And the technology keeps improving. In the financial world, planners who don't keep up, often fall behind and sell their clients short.  Before computers, there was no way people could possibly understand what drives the markets.

Mental errors done in investment management without evidence based investing

New technology allowed researchers to dive deep into the data to analyse the behaviour of security prices.

One such researcher was Eugene Fama. He developed a new framework to study financial markets, along with Kenneth French, and has been honoured with a Nobel prize in Economic Sciences for his work.

Their research underlies all of Dimensional Fund Advisor's thinking and helped develop the firm's process. Widely regarded as the "father of modern finance," Fama has brought an empirical and scientific rigor to the field of investing.

Transforming the way finance is viewed and conducted, which you may know as evidence-based investing.

Dimensional Fund Advisors is currently the eighth-largest fund company.

It manages assets exclusively for institutional investors and the clients of a select group of fee-based advisers.

Those assets were worth $794 billion as of September 2024.

So why haven’t you heard of them?  The firm does no advertising and is primarily owned by employees and directors. This helps keep fund expense ratios very low. 

DFA’s board members, directors, and consultants represent a “who’s who” in the world of financial economics, including Eugene Fama and other Nobel Prize-winning laureates, Robert Merton and Myron Scholes.

DFA does not develop or recommend investor portfolios. Instead, this work is left up to the planner chosen by the client. Development of highly efficient portfolio models requires a thorough understanding of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).

The principal goal of MPT is to achieve the greatest return for the amount of risk taken (or, conversely, to minimise the risk in a portfolio targeted to achieve a specific return). Doing so requires combining asset classes in the investment portfolio to achieve effective diversification.

The only free lunch in investing.

This is accomplished by measuring the correlation between specific asset classes that demonstrate a historically high rate of return and combining the asset classes in such a way that portfolio volatility is minimised.

Global diversification of the investment portfolio protects investors from a downturn in any single asset class. Domestic or foreign. DFA-based portfolios typically contain more than 9,000 securities in 44 countries.

Dimensional adds value over benchmarks and peers through a dynamic and robust investment process that carefully structures and implements portfolios to target higher expected returns. By evolving with advances in financial science, the firm has delivered impressive long-term results for clients. Which is why so many institutional clients and big companies use it. And why it’s a well-kept secret.

The driving factor behind Dimensional's outperformance comes from their ability to have an exposure that is more sensitive to the market, size, and relative price premiums. Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future success. But looking at the evidence helps put things in perspective—just take a look at any Dimensional funds review, and you’ll see why their systematic approach has been so effective.

A systematic investment approach is the way forward.

It keeps investors disciplined and patient even through the most challenging times, because they believe in the enduring power of the markets. They believe in their strategies and that their portfolio is working for them no matter what.

It's why during the volatile period of 2008-2012, US mutual funds saw outflows of $535.7 billion and Dimensional saw inflows of $34.4 billion. Having a strategy you trust is vital when you are investing.

It will give you the clarity and confidence needed to control your financial future.

3 key principles for successful investing: investment advice for smarter decisions

Watch Elroy Dimson, a professor from Cambridge University, shares 3 basic investing principles in this short video. These include:

1. Diversification
2. Cost control
3. Simplicity

As Nassim Taleb explains in his book Antifragile:

“A complex system, contrary to what people believe, does not require complicated systems and regulations and intricate policies. Yet simplicity has been difficult to implement in modern life because it is against the spirit of a certain brand of people who seek sophistication so they can justify their profession.”

Let's talk about international investing…

AES specialises in helping international professionals with their financial planning and investing needs. A question we often hear is, ‘does it make sense to invest internationally?’

Read more to find the answer in this comprehensive guide to investing for senior international professionals. We will also cover all the essential international investment facts you need to inform your own personal decision-making.

What international investing means

International investing is involves investing via a wide range of potential strategies, to capitalise on advantages offered outside your home country.

It’s an approach to investing that increasing numbers of international professionals and globally-minded families are exploring, particularly since it's become far easier to do so with the emergence of index trackers, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and various investment management tools—many of which are highlighted in leading international investment guides.

Why invest internationally?

You’re not alone if you’ve never considered investing anywhere other than your home country before. Many people are unaware of the offshore investment opportunities that exist.

What’s more, for some people, it’s a case of ‘better the devil you know’ when it comes to managing money and investing.

Because, as investment management companies say all the time, the value of any investment can go down as well as up, and so sticking to what you know reduces risk – at least in the minds of some investors.

However, often the reverse is true. Sticking to what you know could actually be limiting not only your choice but also the potential returns of any investment you make.

What’s more, limiting yourself to one market, especially if you’re living abroad, makes little sense. It’s called having a home-country bias. Understanding the benefits of international diversification is key to making the most of global markets and securing long-term growth. As the future of global investing continues to evolve, forward-thinking investors are recognising why investing internationally can be a game-changer for their financial success.

Who can invest internationally?

Let's take an example of a British man who has emigrated and lived long-term in Australia…

He can no longer take advantage of any of the tax-free offerings in the UK such as ISAs or pensions, he is living in a different time zone, he is earning and using a different currency day-to-day, and he is surrounded by a whole world of new financial opportunities.

Why would this man limit his investment choices to those available in a country he’s left behind?

And, having an awareness of the workings of two first world economies – Britain's and Australia’s – he is equally as unlikely to want to commit all his money to investing in Australia alone.  

So, it makes no sense for him to have an old or a new home-country bias: he needs to explore the offshore investment opportunities open to him and get some advice from an investment management professional.

Therefore, for anyone living abroad, it makes sense to consider investing internationally.

What’s the difference between offshore and international investing?

The term 'offshore investment' is synonymous in many people's minds with illegally 'stashing cash' out of reach of the taxman. This is just a myth perpetuated by the media, and understanding offshore investment risks is crucial to making informed decisions.

Offshore investing and international investing are one and the same: the terms are used interchangeably, though some debate exists around offshore vs international investment differences in terms of regulatory frameworks. Offshore simply means a jurisdiction or country other than the one in which you're living. When evaluating offshore investment advantages, consider that these arrangements often provide access to a broader range of investment opportunities and potential tax efficiencies.

When we talk about investing abroad we aren't suggesting putting your money in a poorly regulated, semi-legal island state where there are no rules, and where you have no protection. It's essential to be vigilant about hidden fees in offshore investments, just as you would with any domestic investment vehicle. Offshore centres and international jurisdictions utilised by most senior international professionals and global families are those offering high levels of statutory consumer protection. These jurisdictions maintain strict regulatory oversight to protect investors' interests.

Investments made are completely geographically portable. And the investment management can be done easily, no matter where you're from, where you move to, or even where you want to retire or if you want to repatriate. Ultimately, by going offshore the jurisdictions available and solutions on offer, deliver senior professionals and their families the widest possible choice.

Why international professionals should consider investing offshore

For investors seeking the best financial opportunities, a home-country bias can restrict returns significantly. Yet it’s still the case that most investors commit the majority of their funds to their own home market, mainly because of a fear of the unknown.

But…anyone who’s got an iPhone, a BMW, Gucci sunglasses or even an IKEA sofa trades globally, supports economies around the world, and diversifies their spending base.

So why not think the same way about investing?

Home country bias while investing

Fidelity Investment looked into home-country bias in the US and discovered that American investors keep about 72% of their investments in-country, and about a third of all investors have absolutely no exposure to international stocks at all.

It’s impossible to quantify the restriction such an approach causes to an individual’s portfolio. However, the clever people at Fidelity produced a useful example of what such a restriction could look like in general terms:

Since 1950, a sample and theoretical portfolio of 70% U.S. stocks and 30% international stocks could have returned 11.4% a year. That’s 2% more than a straight S&P 500 portfolio, with 10% less risk.

If that illustration isn’t incentive enough to consider investing offshore, consider the fact that: -

  • A single country’s currency can crash;
  • A single nation’s economy can bomb;
  • Many foreign firms are more dividend-friendly, offering the potential for better returns than the less than appealing interest rates on offer at home;
  • Other countries are emerging and growing;
  • Other countries have stronger and strengthening currencies.

For non-professional investors, knowing where to look and invest, and precisely when to commit was all but impossible before the proliferation of exchange-traded funds and index trackers.

Nowadays it's incredibly easy for anyone to develop an international investment portfolio, and a comprehensive offshore investment guide or sage financial life manager can help you get started.

Read more

1. Rental property vs. stock market investing 
2. What happens if everyone invests in index funds? 
3. Should you invest when stocks are at an all-time high? 

Investing for international professionals

As an organisation, we believe that unless your needs are complex, or the sums involved are significant, (in excess of £250,000), then it may be best for you to try DIY investing.

Nowadays, thanks to the amount of information accessible from books, on the Internet, and the number of guided investment solutions and offshore investment platforms available online, it really is possible to manage your own international investment portfolio.

You can choose to do it all yourself directly, or take a low-cost, guided approach to investing internationally.

If you prefer to seek investing advice from a professional, ensure it is from a Chartered Financial Planner. Their advice should be clear and impartial. Focused on planning where you’re going before you even begin investing.

It should always be integrated with investment management for the best outcome.

Note, financial advice and investment management are not one and the same thing. 

Choose the type of firm you deal with carefully, resist the temptation to take investment or financial advice from someone you socialise with, who comes to your house, cold calls you at work, promises you quarterly reviews or someone who encourages you to think of them as your friend.

And do your own due diligence to ensure you’re speaking to a fiduciary who is independent – one who is not tied to any single bank or financial product provider.


How international investing can help you reach your financial potential

Referring to the earlier example of Americans who have a strong home-country investment bias, if you look at the figures it's easy to understand why this bias exists. America is home to only 4.5% of the world's population, living on just 6.6% of the globe's land, and yet America produces 22.5% of the world's total gross domestic product and represents about 48% of the world's stock market value.

What a successful nation. There's no denying that. However, an American who has a home-country bias, will fail to have realised that more than three quarters of the world's economic activity is happening somewhere other than America. This highlights why global wealth growth strategies are becoming increasingly important for investors seeking to maximise their potential.

And for the rest of us who probably live in far less successful countries, most of the world's economic activity is happening beyond our borders. Historical international investment returns demonstrate that looking beyond domestic markets can significantly enhance portfolio performance.

So there are a number of reasons why we all need to take an international view of our investments in order to reach our financial potential.

The 5 main benefits of international investing

There are many potential advantages to investing offshore if you’re an international professional; the following are just the most commonly accessible:


1. Offshore investment growth potential

The fastest growing economies in the world are in emerging nations across the planet – to cash in on that growth you have to take your investment to where it’s happening.

Emerging countries with rapidly advancing economies have a burgeoning middle class, who are building wealth and hungry to consume and acquire. Include such a nation on your investing plan, ride the wave of advancement and enjoy the best growth potential possible. 

Also, if you think of some of the strongest brands in the world, you’ll immediately come up with names of companies in countries such as France, Germany, America and the UK. To enjoy riding on the wave of such companies’ successes, you need to consider investing in different nation’s markets.


2. Achieve beneficial investment diversification

International economic and market conditions ebb and flow – by diversifying your investment approach geographically you may be able to reduce risk. At the same time, you may be able to improve your risk-adjusted returns.

With the help of investing help from professionals, you can diversify across currencies, markets, economies and financial instruments, and because currencies and markets all behave differently at different points in an economic cycle, you can create a diversified portfolio with strong protection against volatility built in.

3. Portability of offshore investments

The main problem that investing internationally solves for international professionals, is that of having money scattered around different solutions and structures, in different currencies in different countries.

This complexity is common, and it often leaves plans abandoned, pensions frozen and opportunities wasted. If you choose to manage your money internationally, you can avoid all of these issues.

You can work your money to ensure it grows. You also eradicate the problem of any logistical issues associated with accessing money left behind in a country you no longer live in.

4. Higher returns and lower taxes for international investors

If you look offshore and take an international approach to seeking out the best returns, you can find tax efficient investment products and higher returning investment solutions.

Subject to your qualification for such benefits, you could potentially enjoy much better returns and far lower taxes on your investments.

5. Global opportunities from international investment

When you consider that the UK is only 3-4% of the world’s GDP, you can see how limiting a singular investment approach can be. Look beyond geographical limits and seek out the world of choice and opportunity available to you and your wealth internationally.

Best international investment funds

Using an international index tracker fund to gain access to another country’s stock market is a way to invest in a different nation’s potential relatively easily, and at low cost. 

There are an almost limitless number of tracker funds available globally nowadays.

Whilst ISAs aren’t an option for non-resident Brits, trackers/exchange-traded funds (ETFs) certainly are. What’s more, an ETF can be tax efficient just like an ISA – depending on the way its structured and the tax status of the individual investor. 

Wikipedia’s definition of an ETF is useful:

“an exchange-traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks.”

An even clearer description for an international professional considering this approach for the first time is that an ETF is a way to passively invest in assets such as stocks, commodities or bonds, just by tracking the performance of an index. 

The best investment funds are low cost, and very simple to understand in terms of the market or sector you have exposure to, and the level of risk you’re potentially opening yourself up to.

As an investor looking to secure your position and gain wealth from broad diversification, taking a passive approach to offshore investments via tracker type financial instruments might be worth your consideration.

The best investment funds for you will of course depend on various personal preferences and criteria, but the choice available is broad enough for there to be something available for virtually everyone. 


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