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A gift to help you keep your financial resolutions

By Sam Instone - January 11, 2017

[Estimated time to read: 3.5 minutes]

I recently wrote about making resolutions for a financially fitter 2017

I covered five steps you can take to achieve a healthier fiscal outcome by the end of the year. 

But I know it can be hard to get and stay motivated when making changes in life…even if they are changes for the better.

So I want to give you a gift to help you achieve your wealth ambitions in 2017.

A little something to help you keep your financial resolutions

More about that in a minute; first…

How and why it literally pays to make financial resolutions

In my financially fitter you article I mentioned a US survey about making monetary New Year’s commitments.

The survey discovered that more and more Americans make such resolutions each year, and that of those who do and who stick to them, the vast majority end up quantifiably better off.

Here’s what better off actually looks like:

People who made financial resolutions in 2015 were… …in better financial shape by the end of 2016… …than those who didn’t make a financial resolution!
More optimistic 51 percent felt strongly that they were better off financially in 2016 Only 38 percent agree with this statement
More debt-free 45 percent said they were less in debt this year compared to last year Only 33 feel the same way
More financially secure 43 percent said they were in a better financial situation this year than last Only 38 percent feel the same way 

It’s inspiring stuff…and it may encourage you to set your own resolutions…but I do know that keeping them until the end of 2017 will be tough without a little help.

I want to give you a helping hand

Read any motivational material about how to stick to resolutions and you’ll see the same top tip time and again:

"When it comes to keeping on track all year, get help and support from a friend – that way you’ll be much more likely to succeed."

So that’s what I want to offer you…some personalised friendly help and support, for free, no strings.

As you know, we’re fee-based Chartered financial planners – that means we don’t take hidden commissions, we charge a transparent fee

I want to offer you a review of your current investments.

The package I’m offering is worth £1,495 in terms of the time that your Associate will dedicate to you, but I truly believe the actual value for you will be far higher.

  • You will be armed with the facts about your current portfolio’s health and benchmarked performance;
  • You’ll be shown ways to cut your investment costs and increase your returns.
  • You’ll be helped to identify achievable and realistic goals; and
  • You’ll be set on the right path, kept on the right path and pointed in the right direction for long-term financial well-being.

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