Fees and charges for an Executive Redemption Bond
Quilter International offers financial salespeople the flexibility to create their own charging structure. This means the fees and charges you pay for an Executive Redemption Bond will depend entirely on how much money your 'adviser' wants to earn from your investment.
What you pay for your ERB, compared to what someone else pays for exactly the same product, can vary massively. Helpfully, in their Key Information Document for financial advisers, Quilter International details the full range of costs that can be levied depending on the fee structure your salesperson signs you up to.
Here’s what they write: -
Assuming an investment of €10,000
If you cash in after 1 year
If you cash in after 5 years
If you cash in after 10 years
Total costs
Between €208 and €2,882
Between €1,053 and €6,024
From €2,346 to €9,995
And here is breakdown of the range of costs you can encounter annually, over a 10-year holding period – it does not include any ongoing charges your salesperson levies, or investment dealing and custody charges which can apply to the purchase and sale of any underlying investment options:
One off costs
Up to 0.8%
The impact of the costs you pay when starting your investment
Up to 0.5%
The impact of the costs of exiting your investment
Ongoing costs
Transaction costs
Up to 3%
The impact of the costs of buying and selling assets
Up to 12.6%
The impact of the costs each year for managing your product
Incidental costs
Performance fees
Up to 4.3%
The impact of the performance fee. This is taken from your investment if the underlying investment option(s) outperform its benchmark(s)
Carried interests
Up to 1%
The impact of carried interest taken when your investment has performed better than the stated performance criteria
The actual costs you pay for your Executive Redemption Bond may differ from this generic outline, depending on the specific product charges applied, any ongoing charges your salesperson levies, and the underlying investment options selected.
Suffice to say, the ERB is potentially ruinously expensive, without you even realising it when you sign up for one.
Try searching for transparent charging information from Quilter International about what exactly you’ll pay, and you’ll come up short. But, the good news is, to add to the above, we’ve managed to acquire a range of charging sheets, and review them for you.
Remember however, you may be paying more or less than the following examples illustrate, and the only way to know exactly what you’re paying and what the impact of those fees is on your underlying investments, is to request an X-Ray Review™ of your portfolio.
The X-Ray Review™ process will determine the fee structure you’re committed to, and explain to you how exactly your charges are calculated…and more importantly, what that means in terms of the money you lose each quarter, each year and for the duration of your bond.
Here are real examples of fees and charges executive professionals are paying for the ERB from Quilter International (formerly known as Old Mutual International):
5-year charging structure
8-year charging structure
10-year charging structure
Establishment charge
One off charge taken in year one only, quarterly in arrears
For Example, an 8 year 1% per annum establishment fee is 8% initial fees taken up front
One off charge taken in year one only, quarterly in arrears
For Example, an 8 year 1% per annum establishment fee is 8% initial fees taken up front
One off charge taken in year one only, quarterly in arrears
For Example, an 8 year 1% per annum establishment fee is 8% initial fees taken up front
Regular management charge
1.80% per annum for 5 years reducing to 0.2% thereafter, based on premium
(which equates to 9% of your money taken over 5 years, and then 0.2% thereafter for the lifetime of the bond)
Note, this charge is also levied against every top-up you make
1.175% per annum for 8 years reducing to 0.2% thereafter, based on premium
(which equates to 9.4% of your money taken over 8 years, and then 0.2% thereafter for the lifetime of the bond)
Note, this charge is also levied against every top-up you make
0.950% per annum for 10 years reducing to 0.2% thereafter, based on premium
(which equates to 9.5% of your money taken in 10 years, and then 0.2% thereafter for the lifetime of the bond)
Note, this charge is also levied against every top-up you make
Administration charge (subject to annual review)
£110.50 per quarter every quarter - for the lifetime of the bond
£110.50 per quarter every quarter - for the lifetime of the bond
£110.50 per quarter every quarter - for the lifetime of the bond
Dealing charge (applied to every single sale or purchase of a fund or asset and placement and renewal of fixed deposits)
£18 a time (subject to annual review)
£18 a time (subject to annual review)
£18 a time (subject to annual review)
Currency dealing charge
Quilter International reserves the right to charge this and review it annually
Quilter International reserves the right to charge this and review it annually
Quilter International reserves the right to charge this and review it annually
Early withdrawal charge
9.00% in the first quarter, reducing by 0.45% per quarter to 0% after 5 years
9.40% in the first quarter, reducing by 0.29375% per quarter to 0% after 8 years
9.50% in the first quarter, reducing by 0.2375% per quarter to 0% after 10 years
Ongoing service charge (also known as trail commission)
Decided by your 'adviser'. This percentage charge is taken proportionately each calendar quarter in arrears. Where it is levied it is typically between 0.5% and 1% per annum
Decided by your 'adviser'. This percentage charge is taken proportionately each calendar quarter in arrears. Where it is levied it is typically between 0.5% and 1% per annum
Decided by your 'adviser'. This percentage charge is taken proportionately each calendar quarter in arrears. Where it is levied it is typically between 0.5% and 1% per annum
Other charges
Investors are asked to sign to confirm agreement with this statement:
I understand and accept that other charges may apply to my account. These charges may be made by third parties, for example an annual management charge on a selected fund or by Quilter International for additional services I request
Investors are asked to sign to confirm agreement with this statement:
I understand and accept that other charges may apply to my account. These charges may be made by third parties, for example an annual management charge on a selected fund or by Quilter International for additional services I request
Investors are asked to sign to confirm agreement with this statement:
I understand and accept that other charges may apply to my account. These charges may be made by third parties, for example an annual management charge on a selected fund or by Quilter International for additional services I request
To sum up, if you purchase your Executive Redemption Bond from a financial salesperson who takes commission, you will be paying a very high price to invest your lump sum. It’s entirely possible the fees you pay will outstrip any gains you make. If you top up, change your underlying investments, or access your capital within the early years, the real cost of your bond will increase.