Expat Financial Advice | Wealth Building | Financial Behaviour

How to be twice as successful

Written by Sam Instone | 13-Sep-2018 08:37:04


It could also equal 1,000,000.

Because the combined strengths of great partnerships …

Far outweigh the sum of their individual parts.


Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.

William Proctor and James Gamble.

Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Simon and Garfunkel.

Different industries.



But one commonality – partnership.

I recently read a book by Michael D. Eisner.

It’s called Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed.

In it, he explores some famous partnerships.

Why they worked.

What made them tick.

From investment gurus to movie stars, designers and even retailers.

It made me wonder: what’s the secret to their success?

More importantly, how can it be established between adviser and client?

Successful partnerships are built on mutual respect, integrity and self-awareness.

To illustrate this, Eisner uses the metaphor of painting a man riding a horse.

If the man is tiny and the horse a giant …

The horse is too strong and uncontrollable for the man.

Vice versa, a giant man would weigh down the horse.

Making it immobile.

Ideally, a man and horse should move together in unison.

Be of equal size.

Making it the ideal partnership.

The man then represents intellect and the horse, emotion.

Both equally balanced.

In financial planning services, there are many partnerships.

With colleagues.



Warren Buffett says the key to good partnerships is trust:

“They have complete trust, complete faith and complete belief in each other.”

This was the bedrock of his partnership with Charlie Munger.

That, and tremendous respect for one another.

It’s no secret that there is a trust deficit in financial services.

Or that this is a huge problem.

Because without trust, life savings could be lost.

Dream retirements forfeited.

Bill and Melinda Gates are also an inspiration.

They both share the same vision.

Melinda is beside Bill every step of the way.

“For our wedding, Bill’s parents gave us a sculpture of two birds side by side, staring at the horizon. I think of it all the time because fundamentally we’re looking in the same direction.” – Melinda Gates

Having a vision and proper support is vital to success.

Especially financial success.

Whether it’s retirement, saving for a house or children’s school fees.

Our value proposition is being a resource so our clients don’t have to worry about this stuff.

Most people we work with don’t have the time, knowledge or inclination to focus on personal finances.

It’s a chore.

It’s drudgery.

They’d rather be with the kids, grandkids, travelling, bicycling or doing whatever it is they do to find fulfilment and enjoyment in life.

Trust is critical to this.

So is our knowledge-driven, safe and simple approach to investing.

It forms the foundation of any partnership.

If you have any question at all about money – no matter how small – why not test us out? It could be the beginning of a partnership that helps get you better results …