Expat Financial Advice | Wealth Building | Financial Behaviour

What I'm reading #43: inflation vs. stock market returns

Written by Sam Instone | 26-Oct-2021 08:06:24

This week I’m in Nepal, trekking up Kala Patthar.

Before I lose signal and start my climb towards to the Everest viewpoint...

Here’s what I read while acclimatising.

(It’s going to be a shorter one than usual).

Ben Carlson shared his thoughts on inflation vs. stock market returns. It’s a great response to the growing number of media headlines on the topic.

Abnormal Returns interviewed my friend and fellow evidence-based investing advocate, Robin Powell, on his latest book “Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom”. For those new to saving and investing, it’s well worth a read.

I enjoyed this piece on “Gaining Perspective”. Often, as investors, the trait we’re most lacking is perspective.

On wisdom, Darius Foroux’s latest blog says it has nothing to do with IQ or education, but how people apply common sense. He shares 6 habits/behaviours he’s observed from wise people.

With Christmas around the corner, Inc.com shares tips on how to control your spending. Online shopping is estimated to reach a record $901 billion in 2021, so it’s probably wise to keep tabs on what you’re buying.

James Clear posted about having “too much”. Nearly everything in life is unfavourable once it grows to a certain size. Pay attention to when the thing you’re chasing exceeds its usefulness.

That’s it from me this week – short and sweet.

Time to switch off my electronics, go off the grid and tick another item off my accountability document.

Have a super weekend!


A question for you:

Are you able to balance the demands of today with your dreams of tomorrow?



“We don’t beat the grim reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully.” – Randy Pausch

“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present”  – Albert Camus


Ben Carlson on 'Inflation vs. Stock Market Returns'

Tadas Viskanta's 'Q&A with Robin Powell Co-author of “Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom”'

Howard Rohleder on 'Gaining Perspective'

Darius Foroux's 'How to Be Wise'

Anna Meyer for Inc. 'Online Holiday Shopping to Reach Record $910 Billion in 2021'

James Clear's '3-2-1: Trying new ideas, preparation, and taking action'